Highly vetted talents for SmartRecruiter users.
Fully integrated with your current Applicant Tracking System (ATS) workflow.
Through jobs posted in SmartRecruiters, get access to our vetted talents several days earlier than the rest of the market.
Based on 500+ data points, we instantly shortlist only the best-fit talents straight to your dashboard in SmartRecruiters.
Get a 360-degree view of each talent, interview the ones who stand out, and make a selection once you’re convinced – all using your workflow in SmartRecruiters.
Within 1 week, your team gets augmented with long-term & full-time talent, fully compliant with local labor laws and tax rules through our partner ecosystem.
The collaborative partnership between Pro5.ai and Slasify has elevated our remote HR solution offerings, facilitating the seamless sourcing of top-tier professionals globally for clients who hire their remote talents under our Employer of Record services.
Through Pro5.ai's expertise, we've successfully filled critical positions in diverse industries, delivering exceptional talent that aligns perfectly with our clients' needs.
Their proactive approach and dedication to understanding our business have played a pivotal role in enhancing our competitive edge and driving business growth.
Head of Vendor Management, Slasify
"Through their vendor selection and rigorous candidate vetting process, Pro5.ai provides us high-quality candidates that result in a higher closing rate than other vendors, saving us a lot of time and speeding up our hiring.
They are also very customer-centric and responsive to our requests. It's been a pleasure working with them."
VP Engineering, Ninja Van Group
"We believe in Pro5.ai's systematic vetting and matching process!
Their data-rich and structured talent profiles really help a lot in building a point of view before deciding to proceed with an interview.
The team has always been very responsive and helpful in the process of selecting talent, onboarding, and maintaining the ongoing relationship.”
Co-Founder & CTO, StashAway